Soil moisture sensor has three connections GND, Power and Signal/Analog Voltage. Volatge need to be >= 3.3V for the version we're currently testing. (There are other version) The only option to get >= 3.3V is to use a Lithium Tionyl battery. Which holds 3.6V. Also note that maximum voltage for the AtMega128rfa1 is just 3.6V. The senors has a didicated analog input for devices like this. It named CON_ADC1 and has a 3 pol terminal block: GND/Prommable Pwr/AD Signal The programmable power is avoid idle current to drain the battery. The programmable power is enabled 1 sec before reading the AD signal then disabled. There are firmware options to enable power for test purposes. also there are debugging option to monitor power on/off.