set term pbm color small #set term png set output "bcast.pbm" #set size 1.0,.5 set yrange [ -2 : 20 ] noreverse nowriteback set xrange [ 4.95 : 5.05 ] noreverse nowriteback set title "Contiki periodic Rime radio broadcast @ 1 sec interval\n\ AtMega128rfa1 w. IEEE802.15.4. radio Output at +3dBm\n\ Broadcast Close-Up with MCU in SLEEP_MODE_PWR_SAVE\n\ Memory oscilloscope trace plotted in gnuplot. 2012-01-24 --ro\n" #Using MCU: SLEEP_MODE_IDLE resp. SLEEP_MODE_PWR_SAVE\n\ set ylabel "Current in mA" set xlabel "Time in Seconds" plot "bcast.dat" using ($1+4):($2/0.048) title "Current Use @ 3 Volt" with line ; pause -1;